New Youth Music!
We are seeing one of God’s miracles on Thursday nights at 6:00 pm. Youth Music is preparing to sing and play instruments for Palm Sunday. These youth are fantastically talented : Izzy Watts, Lorelei Bryson, Charlotte – our cellist, Luke – bongos, with Isabel and Lydia Thormann, singing and tone chimes. Teachers: Mary Currie, Geoffrey Dicks, and Brenda Ferguson
Our Beloved Sanctuary Choir is singing together again!! All are welcome who have a voice to raise.
Palm Sunday and Easter.
Rehearsals after church on Sundays.
Bells of Heaven – plays beautiful, inspiring hymns for March 13 worship with our Flutist-in-residence, Beckie Dicks. Also, on Easter we will hear the ancient call to Worship – bells. Thanks to Carole and Matt Higgins, Jane Mykytenko, Bunny Barr, JoAnn Isaacson, Dottie and Bill Kennedy.
Lenten Organ Recital – Wednesday, March 16 @ Noon « O Jesus, I Have Promised »
Many thanks to our wonderful Cantors! They give love and their extraordinary talent to lead our Worship music each week.
God Bless Us, each and everyone!